Cercetări privind contaminarea laptelui cu microorganisme
This work shows the microbiological researches regarding the contamination of fresh and pasteurized milk with microorganisms. There were examined samplings of milk in which the total number of germs, the number of coliform bacteria and the number of coagulase positive staphylococcus were determined. The researches were accomplished using the method of determining the total number of germs with the help of reductase and resazurin tests to the determined classes, and they constituted from 4 mln till 20 mln microorganisms. The indices of staphylococcus and coliform bacteria number also modified. According to microbiological requirements – STAS 9225 – 84 ”Milk and products obtained from milk. The microbioogical methods of analysis”, the pasteurized milk which was sold in the commercial markets corresponds to the indices of quality and also to the microbiological indices recently determined.
Key words: Coagulase positive bacteria, Coliform bacteria, Lactic bacteria, Moulds, Nutritional medium, Reductase, Total number of germs, Yeasts.
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