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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or PDF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Declaraţie de asumare a răspunderii privind originalitatea lucrării

    Prin prezenta declar(ăm) pe proprie răspundere că articolul prezentat spre a fi publicat în revista “Ştiinţa agricolă”, este o lucrare originală proprie, realizată prin contribuţia exclusivă a autorului/autorilor, nu reprezintă reproducerea unei alte lucrări personale, nu încalcă drepturile de autor ale altor persoane fizice sau juridice, nu a fost publicat anterior și nici nu este luat în considerare pentru publicare de către o altă revistă.
    Confirm(ăm) că am respectat standardele etice, am evitat complet orice formă de plagiat sau autoplagiat, indicând de fiecare dată sursele bibliografice utilizate în articol.
    În cazul dovedirii falsului în declaraţii şi a prejudiciului creat atât instituţiei ce editează revista “Ştiinţa agricolă”, cât şi persoanelor fizice ori juridice reclamante a drepturilor încălcate prin publicare, sunt de acord să suport consecinţele prevăzute de legislaţia în vigoare.
    Data Semnătura
  • Plagiarism – promulgation (publication), fully or partially, of another's work under the name of a person who is not the author of this work
    Self-plagiarism – re-publishing of large text parts from own scientific papers by the author without stating the fact of their prior or simultaneous publication
    Plagiarism or self-plagiarism, in all its forms, represents unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. If the manuscript includes exactly the same phrases that appear in other works written by the author, the source must be properly cited.
    All submitted materials are tested using Google search engine and free plagiarism checkers: http://www.detectareplagiat.ro

Author Guidelines


 The Journal is issued twice a year in June and December. The deadline for paper submission is April 1 for the June issue of the Journal and October 1 for the December issue of the Journal.

The preprints should be submitted on line to the Editorial Board’s address (in .doc or .docx format and .pdf format) and also in printed form with author’s/authors’ signature indicating the date of submission.

The electronic preprint can be sent to the following address: v.lupu@uasm.md

The submitted manuscripts will be checked for compliance with the publication requirements. The papers that don’t meet these requirements will be rejected by the Editorial Board without undergoing the process of peer review.

The paper must be formatted according to the paper templates given in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman (TNR) font, Normal, font size 12, line spacing 1,5; page size A 4, margins: top 2,5 cm, bottom 2,5 cm, left 3 cm, right 1,5 cm.

Paper volume: 8-10 pages, without corrections, and the text should be structured on the entire width of the page.

Additional Information:

 State Agrarian University of Moldova

42, Mircesti street, MD-2049, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Coordinating Editor - Viorica Lupu

Phone: (373-22) 43-25-92; Fax: (373-22) 31-22-07

e-mail: v.lupu@uasm.md

The structure of the article:


TNR, font size 12 pt., capital letters, at the beginning of the page, align left, followed by a free line.

CZU classification index is given by library specialists.


Arial, font size 12 pt., center, capital letters, Aldin (Bold), line spacing 1, followed by a free line.

The title should be translated into English and must clearly and accurately reflect the content of the articlcle.

It is recommended to avoid abbreviations, symbols, codes, formulas and acronyms in the title.


TNR, font size 11 pt., Italic, align right.                          

The surname and initial letter of the name should be written in capital letters.                           

Author’s name should be followed by his/her scientific and didactic degree and main institutional affiliation.                           

Authors’ institutional affiliation is written from a new line, line spacing 1, TNR, font size 8 pt., Italic, align right, followed by a free line.                           

If the authors have different institutional affiliations they should note these institutions using superscripts.


TNR, font size 11 pt., Aldin. Text: TNR, font size 12 pt.                           

The abstract should include 100-150 words (1/3 page), written in the same language as the whole article and also in English.                           

The abstract should concisely present the purpose, objectives, methods of research, main results and conclusions.


TNR, font size 11 pt., Aldin. Text: TNR, font size 11 pt.                          

The key words (up to 8 words) should be written in the same language as the whole article and also in English.                          

The key words represent specific terms, reflecting the essence of the paper, are written in alphabetical order and separated by comma.                          

Each key word begins with an initial capital letter.


TNR, font size 12 pt., Aldin, capital letters, center. Text: TNR, font size 12 pt., followed by a free line.                         

The content of introduction should present the investigated issue, purpose, importance and actuality of study,

current researches in the field at international level, new contribution to the existing knowledge.


TNR, font size 12 pt., Aldin, capital letters, center. Text: TNR, font size 12 pt., followed by a free line.

The information from this section should contain sufficient details in order to understand and reflect the research and also to explain the problem, used procedures and methods.


TNR, font size 12 pt., Aldin, capital letters, center. Text: TNR, font size 12 pt., followed by a free line.

The information from this section should objectively and clearly present the findings and obtained results and explain the way these results contribute to the development of the investigated field.

Tables and figures should be done in TNR, font size 10 pt., white-black, title of columns – font size 10 pt., Aldin. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively, in the order they appear in the text, with Arabic numerals and they should be accompanied by a title. The title and number of the table must be typed in the top row of the table while the title and number of the figure should be written on the bottom of the figure (Annex 3).


TNR, font size 12 pt., Aldin, capital letters, center. Text: TNR, font size 12 pt., followed by a free line.

The conclusions should be clearly and concisely presented as they summarize the ideas and present the consequences related to the discussed problems.


TNR, font size 12 pt., Aldin, capital letters, center. Text: TNR, font size 11 pt., followed by a free line.

The references should be elaborated according to Annex 1 in alphabetical order. The references should be relevant to the topic and include as many up-to-date resources as possible.

One should include only the references of documents containing information of real value, directly consulted by the author and which are cited and discussed in the text.

The references with Cyrillic characters to the articles written in Romanian or English should be transliterated in Latin characters (Annex 2).

CITATIONS -   TNR, font size 12 pt.

For the citations in the text it is recommended to use „name-date” system (Harvard system).

According to this system the citation should indicate only the first author and year of publication.

For example:

  1. According to F. Ardelean (2007) the soil represents the fundamental substrate for terrestrial organisms.
  2. The soil represents the fundamental substrate for terrestrial organisms (Ardelean, F. 2007).

If the publication has more authors, the citations should include only the first author and the abbreviation et al. (Ardelean, F. et al. 2007)

If the author published in 2007 two works, the small a) b) letters of the alphabet should be written after the year of publication. Ex.: (Ardelean, F. 2007b)

Annex 1


(According to national standard SM ISO 690:2012 Information and documentation. Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources)


…one author, two authors, three authors, four authors

BABUC, V. (2012). Pomicultura. Chişinău. 664 p. ISBN 978-9975-53-067-5.

KNIGHT, R.S. (2010). Statutory recognition of customary land rights in Africa. Rome: FAO. 301 p. ISBN 978-92-5-106728-4.

КАЙСЫН, Л. (2013). Микотоксикозы свиней. Chişinău. 180 с. ISBN 978-9975-64-240-8.

TOMŞA, M., BONDOC, I. (2014). Igiena şi tehnologia prelucrării produselor şi subproduselor de origine animală. Chişinău. 472 p. ISBN 978-9975-53-393-5.

PERMIN, A., HANSEN, I.W. (1998). Epidemiology, diagnosis and control of poultry parasites. Rome: FAO. 160 p. ISBN 92-5-104215-2.

NICOLAESCU, Gh., CAZAC, F., CUMPANICI, A. (2015). Tehnologia de producere a strugurilor de masă. Chişinău. 240 p. ISBN 978-9975-87-016-0.

POPA, S., MANZIUC, V., BRAGHIŞ, A., CUMPANICI, A. (2016). Producerea piersicilor. Chişinău. 216 p. ISBN 978-9975-87-067-2.

…more than four authors

CALIN, Iu. et al. (2013). Matematici pentru economişti: ghid metodic. Chişinău. 296 p. ISBN 978-997571-438-9.

HONHOLD, Nick et al. (2011). Good emergency management practice: The essentials. Rome: FAO. 114 p. ISBN 978-92-5-107000-0.

MOVILEANU, P., coord. (2012). Epistemologia economică. Chişinău: UASM. 370 p. ISBN 978-9975-56-048-1.

…without authors

Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova 2015. Chişinău. 560 p.

Codex alimentarius commission (2001): Procedural manual. 12 edition. Rome: FAO. 170 p. ISBN 92-5-104655-7.

theses, autoreports

SAVA, P. (2003). Productivitatea agrişului în funcţie de soi şi distanţa de plantare: autoref. tz. doct. în şt. agricole. Chişinău. 21 p. 

ДАДУ, К. (1985). Продуктивность спуровых насаждений яблони в зависимости от плотности посадки: автореф. дис. … канд. с.-х. наук. Москва. 19 с.


…from official publications

Lege privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe: nr.293-XIII din 23.11.1994. In: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova. 2010, nr. 191-193, pp. 7-26.

Hotărârea Guvernului Republicii Moldova cu privire la aprobarea Nomenclatorului lucrărilor sezoniere: nr. 1273 din 19.11.2004. In: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova. 2004, nr. 212-217, pp. 97-98.

from journals

POPESCU, V. (2012). Estimarea influenţei factorilor aleatori asupra fiabilităţii sistemelor electrice de distribuţie. In: Intellectus, nr. 2, pp. 87-94. ISSN 1810-7079.

BALTAG, G., BARANOV, Elena (2015). Studiul rentabilităţii producţiei cărnii de porc. In: Akademos, nr. 2(37), pp. 122-126.  ISSN 1857-0461.

MARIAN, Gr., et al. (2014). Analiza comparativă a biomasei obţinută din culturi energetice. In: Ştiinţa Agricolă, nr. 2, pp. 70-75.  ISSN 1857-0003.

from scientific papers/works

NOVOROJDIN, Dumitru (2015). Evoluţia propulsoarelor pentru autovehicule şi tendinţele actuale în dezvoltare. In: Lucrări ştiinţifice, UASM, vol. 45: Inginerie agrară şi transport auto, pp. 278-282.  ISBN 978-9975-64-276-7

MOCANU, Natalia, RUSU, Nadejda, MOCANU, A. (2015). Rolul asistenţei financiare externe în dezvoltarea agriculturii Republicii Moldova. In: Lucrări ştiinţifice,  UASM, vol. 43: Economie, pp 133-137. - ISBN 978-9975-64-275-0.

СТЕПКА, О. и др. (2015). Приемник - аккумулятор естественного холода для охлаждения молока. In: Lucrări ştiinţifice, UASM, vol. 45: Inginerie agrară şi transport auto, pp. 440-442. - ISBN 978-9975-64-276-7.

from conferences, symposia proceedings

BATÎRU, Gr., ROTARI, E. (2014). Calitatea boabelor la hibridul tetraploid de porumb Chişiniovschi 401L. In: Institutul de Fitotehnie Porumbeni - 40 ani de activitate ştiinţifică: materialele conf. intern., Paşcani, 17 sept., ppP. 184-188. ISBN 978-9975-56-177-8.

ERHAN, F., LUPUŞOR, I., POPESCU, V., VOINESCU, D. (2012). Dependenţa dintre regimurile tranzitorii şi cele nesimetrice sistemele de distribuţie. In: Energetica Moldovei-2012: a II-a conf. intern., Chişinău, 4-6 oct., pp. 157-160. ISBN 978-9975-62-324-7.

ПАМУЖАК, Н. (2012). Гербициды для защиты кукурузы от сорняков. In: Protecţia plantelor - probleme şi perspective: simp. şt. intern., Chişinău, 30-31 oct., pp. 406-408. ISBN 978-9975-56-069-6.

Electronic documents


GHERCIUC, I. (2008). Sisteme de irigare pentru legume şi fructe: recomandări [accesat 27 dec. 2011]. Disponibil: http://ftp.moldova.cnfa.org/ REPORTS/Production/ Irrigation_recom_ro.pdf

HÂRNĂU, S., OHRIMENKO, S., CERNEI, G. (2002). Tehnologiile informaţionale şi problemele globale ale dezvoltării societăţii [accesat 14 martie 2004]. Disponibil: http: //www.ase.md./Inside/ PersonalPagesRomCom.phtml


BALAN, V. (2010). Methods of Foliar Surface Determination along the Ontogenetic Cycle on Apple Trees. In: Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, vol. 38(3), pp. 219-222 [accesat 14 martie 2004]. Disponibil: http://notulaebotanicae.ro/ nbha/search/ results

ROBERTS, K. (2000). An analysis of group processes in farmer learning: the Australian experience. In: The journal of agricultural education and extension, vol.6, no. 4 [accesat  12 martie 2004]. Disponibil: http://library.wur.nl/eja---e/v6n4t.html